City of Kelowna
Regular Council Meeting

Council Chamber
City Hall, 1435 Water Street

I would like to acknowledge that we are gathered today on the traditional, ancestral, unceded territory of the syilx/Okanagan people.

This Meeting is open to the public and all representations to Council form part of the public record.  A live audio-video feed is being broadcast and recorded on

To consider eleven rezoning applications within the Arab Rd/Appaloosa Rd area to rezone from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 - Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lots.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the A1 – Agriculture 1 zone to the I6 – Low Impact Transitional Industrial zone to facilitate industrial development of the subject lot.

To rezone the subject property from the RR3 – Rural Residential 3 zone to the RU6 – Two Dwelling Housing zone to facilitate the construction of two single family dwellings.

To rezone the subject property from the RU1 – Large Lot Housing zone to the RU2 – Medium Lot Housing zone to facilitate a 2-lot subdivision.

To rezone the subject property from the RR3 – Rural Residential 3 zone to the RU1c – Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone to facilitate the construction of a carriage house.

To amend the servicing requirements associated with the rezoning application for 350 Doyle Ave (Z21-0061).

To meet the legislated reporting requirement for annual financial reporting, showcase City services, programs and projects, and provide contextual information for the data contained in the Statement of Financial Information report.

To increase the budget for the Abbott (Rose to Cedar) and Casorso 3 (KLO to Lanfranco) Active Transportation Corridor (ATC) projects to address construction inflation, final project scope, tender pricing, and allow for advancing the projects forward in 2022.

To obtain approval for and execution of the transit 2022/2023 Annual Operating Agreement and to amend the 2022 Financial Plan to accept $1,761,188 in Safe Restart funding.

To close a 186.8 square meter portion of lane for consolidation with the adjacent properties.

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