Civic & Community Awards Steering CommitteeAGENDAWednesday, November 03, 2021 12:00 P.m. - 1:00 P.m.Virtual Meeting - Teams1.Call to Order and Roundtable Introductions 2.Confirmation of Minutes 1.DRAFT Minutes - Civic and Community Awards Steering Committee_Sep29_2021.pdfApprove Minutes of the Meeting of September 29, 2021.3.Award Delivery Mayor's Reception, gala event live and virtual delivery dates, timeline for event future PHO and event 4.Volunteer Award Category Name change confirmation 5.Next Meeting Date Set Next Meeting Dates February & May 2022 6.Termination of Meeting No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.DRAFT Minutes - Civic and Community Awards Steering Committee_Sep29_2021.pdf