City of Kelowna Regular Council Meeting AGENDAMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, October 03, 2017Time: 6:00 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Location:Council ChamberCity Hall, 1435 Water Street1.Call to Order2.Reaffirmation of Oath of OfficeThe Oath of Office will be read by Councilor DeHart.3.Confirmation of Minutes1.Draft Minutes - Sept 19 2017 PH.pdf2.Draft Minutes - Sept 19 2017 Regular.pdfPublic Hearing - September 19, 2017Regular Meeting - September 19, 20174.Bylaws Considered at Public Hearing4.1LUCT17-0001 (BL11455) - Early Termination of Land Use Contract LUC77-10021.BL11455 - LUCT17-0001-Curlew Drive.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11455 second and third readings and be adopted in order to early terminate Land Use Contract LUC77-1002 on 167 properties in the Curlew Area.4.2Curlew Area, Z17-0062 (BL11456) - Various Owners1.BL11456 Z17-0062 Curlew Dr Area.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11456 second and third readings and be adopted in order to rezone the subject properties to various zones as per Schedules A-F.4.3521 Curlew Drive, LUC17-0002 (BL11466) - Derek L & Tammy L Cartier1.BL11466 LUC17-0002 Curlew Dr 521.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11466 second and third readings and be adopted in order to discharge the subject property from the Land Use Contract LUC77-1002 to the RR1 - Rural Residential 1 zone.4.4521 Curlew Drive, Z17-0049 (BL11467) - Derek L & Tammy L Cartier1.BL11467 Z17-0049 Curlew Dr 521.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11467 second and third readings and be adopted in order to rezone the subject property RR1 - Rural Residential1 zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.4.5462 Clifton Rd, Z17-0067 (BL11475) - Lawrence & Mary Berg1.BL11475 Z16-0067 Clifton Rd 462.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11475 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property from the A1 - Agriculture 1 zone to the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone.4.61561 Mountain Ave, Z17-0042 (BL11476) - Robin and Heather Mercer1.BL11476 Z17-0042 Mountain Ave 1561.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11476 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property from RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage House zone.4.72825 Richter St, Z17-0057 (BL11479) - 1018545 BC Ltd1.BL11479 Z17-0057 Richter St 2825.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11479 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property from the RU6 - Two Dwelling Housing zone to the RM2 - Low Density Row Housing zone.4.81373 Tanemura Cr, Z17-0046 (BL11480) - Philip Zurrin1.BL11480 Z17-0046 Tanemura Cr 1373.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11480 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property from the RU1 - Large Lot Housing zone to the RU1c - Large Lot Housing with Carriage Suite zone.4.95080 Twinflower Cres, OCP17-0004 (BL11481) - Interval Investments Inc1.BL11481 OCP17-0004 Twinflower Cr 5080.pdfRequires a majority of all members of Council (5).To give Bylaw No. 11481 second and third readings in order to change the future land use designation as per Map A.4.105080 Twinflower Cres, Z17-0015 (BL11482 ) - Interval Investments Inc1.BL11482 Z17-0015 Twinflower Cr 5080.pdfTo give Bylaw No. BL11482 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property as per Map B4.111915 Enterprise Way, (BL11487) Z17-0001 - Kelowna East Investments Ltd1.BL11487 Z17-0001 Enterprise Way 1915.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11487 second and third readings in order to rezone the subject property from the C4 – Urban Centre Commercial zone to CD17 – Mixed Use Commercial – High Density zone. 4.12OCP17-0019 (BL11490) - Amendment to Chapter 14 - Urban Design DP Guidelines1.BL11490 - OCP17-0019 - Chapter 14 - Urban Design DP Guidelines.pdfRequires a majority of all members of Council (5).To give Bylaw No. 11490 second and third readings in order to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 10500.4.13TA17-0005 (BL11491) - RU7 - Infill Housing Zone Amendments1.BL11491 TA17-0005 - RU7 - Infill Housing Zone.pdfTo give Bylaw No. 11491 second and third readings in order to amend the RU7 - Infill Housing Zone in Zoning Bylaw No. 8000.5.Reminders6.TerminationNo Item Selected This item has no attachments1.BL11455 - LUCT17-0001-Curlew Drive.pdf1.BL11456 Z17-0062 Curlew Dr Area.pdf1.BL11466 LUC17-0002 Curlew Dr 521.pdf1.BL11467 Z17-0049 Curlew Dr 521.pdf1.BL11475 Z16-0067 Clifton Rd 462.pdf1.BL11476 Z17-0042 Mountain Ave 1561.pdf1.BL11479 Z17-0057 Richter St 2825.pdf1.BL11480 Z17-0046 Tanemura Cr 1373.pdf1.BL11481 OCP17-0004 Twinflower Cr 5080.pdf1.BL11482 Z17-0015 Twinflower Cr 5080.pdf1.BL11487 Z17-0001 Enterprise Way 1915.pdf1.BL11490 - OCP17-0019 - Chapter 14 - Urban Design DP Guidelines.pdf1.BL11491 TA17-0005 - RU7 - Infill Housing Zone.pdf1.Draft Minutes - Sept 19 2017 PH.pdf2.Draft Minutes - Sept 19 2017 Regular.pdf